Get To Know All About Me
Since I Intend To Help You Change, It is Important That You Know About Me And Why I Am Qualified To Help You
About Me.
What I can do for you is to guide you from an unsatisfactory situation, whether in your job or in your life, to a place where you have more power, happiness, and if important to you, more financial security.
Typical problems that are present for most people, include suppression of emotions, an unhealthy desire to continually please, and low self-esteem.
This shows up everywhere in your life, whether, how you behave at work, how you behave at home and how you lead your team.
So what I do is help you resolve these issues so that you will become more centred and effective in your Adult situation.

The Interview
In letting you know about who I am and why I am qualified to help, I thought I would share the transcript of a recent interview.
I am speaking with today’s guest, Roger Bourne, who is a well experienced, Transformational Coach for Businesses and Individuals.
So Roger, tell me what you do?
I work with people that are normally, reasonably successful, but are somehow, dissatisfied with their current levels of happiness, wellbeing, and perhaps, financial situation.
Sometimes it comes up as , “There must be something more to life than this!” Etc.
And by coming to me they indicate that they are prepared to do something about it.
This is a tipping point in most lives and can occur at a very young age or much later.
(My youngest client was 18 and my oldest, so far, was 65)
So people come to me to resolve those uneasy feelings that, “Things, just don’t feel right.”
So typically, what problems do you solve?
Over the years, I have come to realise that people’s lives (my own included) are diminished by their interpretation of the experiences of their family situations, during the first 7 years of their lives.
Typical problems that are present include suppression of emotions, an unhealthy desire to continually please, and low self-esteem.
So what I do is help them resolve these issues so that they become more centred and effective in their Adult situation.
So does that mean you are a psychologist?
Absolutely not. Neither am I a psychiatrist, nor medical professional of any sort.
My coaching and leadership style is based upon years of “in the trenches,” actual experience, as well as my own personal transformational journey.
So how do you do this?
I help people get in touch with their emotions, accept them and then operate effectively , using them.
I also help people discover their Core Values, which are essentially, who they are as people..
I get that but how are you different from other such, self-proclaimed coaches.?
Well current pop psychology tell us to find out who we are and uses a huge variety of techniques to do so.
In fact , some of them actually work.
The trouble is that using their processes to find out who you are really are,
what happens if you don’t like who you are!
Then what do you do?
So I take them beyond the self-discovery to a realm of self-acceptance, and then to a place where they can operate effectively in the world around them.
Obviously, this is a gross oversimplification but based upon my years of coaching , mentoring, as a leader of organisations, and as a one to one coach, it clearly works.
So Roger, how did you come to this?
Well I had an upbringing in which, I created some serious carryover issues into my adult life.
For example, I was taught to never show that you are hurting, no matter how bad it was.
I took a few painful adult years of exceedingly painful self-discovery to overcome these sort of background experiences.
This enables me now, to help people in such a way, that that they don’t have to go through the pain that I did, to sort out these childhood traumas.
And let me stress again at this point, that I am not a medical professional of any sort.
So what’s your background?
I have been working in the corporate world all my life, both here and overseas.
I have worked in industries such as Beverage Manufacture, Greeting Cards, Air Conditioning, General Manufacturing etc.
And I have worked in large and small companies in various roles, including at Managing Director level.
Each time, I have consistently applied the principles of my coaching to all of my staff, helping them grow as people.
And of course , as they became more centred and focussed, they were able to do their jobs better, and so enjoy a track record of success in their corporate and personal worlds.
So I have heard all that you have said and would like to know whether, does all of this coaching, mentoring, and achieving personal growth , really work?
I said to my partner one day, “How come I keep getting Managing Director Roles of companies that are in trouble?”
She replied, obviously of course, “If the companies were not in trouble, they wouldn’t need a new Managing Director!”
So I moved to different companies in different industries, helped them succeed and then moved on.
And at all times, as I mentioned, I was applying my principles, and that’s where the success came from.
And in always applying my principles, I devised and demonstrated, “Authentic Leadership,” which is basically, “Leading from Who You Are.”
So yes, it does work.
So much so, that whenever I take on a Coaching , Mentoring or Culture Change Role, whether to an Individual or Organisation, I give a 100% , unconditional, money back guarantee, that I will make an acceptable difference!
Thanks so much Roger, for your time today.
But in closing may I ask one more question.
“What is the passion that drives you?
I just want to help people perform more effectively in their lives so that they will have more choices and greater fulfilment.
And have a lot more Fun!
Fascinating and thank you Roger.
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Roger Bourne has helped me develop as a person; he is a mentor who cares personally and professionally.
Malcolm Fredericks Owner/Managing Director Luna Nameplate Industries
Qualifications and Recognition
Fellow Australian Institute of Company Directors (FAICD)
Fellow Institute of Managers and Leaders
Chartered Engineer
Member Institution of Mechanical Engineers (London) MIMechE

My Background
I am the Founder of Auctor Management, a Company dedicated to increasing the effectiveness of individuals to enhance both their personal and business life.
I have a corporate background at the very top level, in many Companies, different industries, different countries and different cultures, with a clear emphasis on making a tangible difference and creating success.
My Leadership style has always been one of Coaching, Mentoring and Developing my staff, based upon absolute Integrity.
In line with this philosophy, I started my coaching practice (while building my career) some 30 years ago, long before Life Coaching attained its current popularity.
And from my depth of experience, I have developed and evolved a proprietary Mentoring and Coaching Framework.
During my career so far, I have coached , mentored and transformed people as young as 16 and as old as 65, together with Chairmen of the Boards and their children.
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