Standing Out From The Crowd

The Art of focussing the group effort to achieve the group goals.
So, Just What is Leadership?
Leadership is a name given to the process of getting a group of people to accomplish an outcome, which requires more than one of the group to achieve (not necessarily, cooperatively)
Under this definition we can therefore, include Dictatorship, “Manipulativeship” as well as the more common understanding of Leadership models.
When a group of 2 or more exist, to effectively use the group to achieve an outcome, there needs to be a system to coordinate those efforts.
The word “effectively” here is important because there are many group actions that achieve a result, but are necessarily effective.
E.g. panic.
Now the Prime Directive or Mantra in Nature is, “Do whatever is necessary, to make sure that the species survives.”
As part of that mantra, it also seems that the requirement for a Leader or Director is built into nature as an aid for survival of a species.
For example, we see the Matriarchal Leadership amongst a herd of Elephants, the establishment of a pecking order and leadership roles in a Wolf pack or leaders of a family group such as Lions.
We can see that same process in human interactions when we see the assertion of the “Alpha” or dominant person (whether male or female) within the group.
And very effective it is too.
This means that whenever we have a group of 2 or more people and a task to be accomplished, a leader or director will emerge.
The E Book, "Laid Back Leadership," explores, in a simplified manner, the various forms that leadership can take and the effectiveness of each form.
Then it moves to the sustainable Leadership model of Authentic Leadership (the preferred model by the Author) and shows “How to become an Authentic Leader,” and provides some of the basic tools.
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Better Leader
As a Mentor, Roger has guided both my professional and personal development. I’ve developed a greater understanding of my core values, which has helped better guide my decision making.
I’ve also learned to take greater personal responsibility and better tackle problems as opportunities for growth. Roger has helped me become a better leader.
Nicholas Webb, Senior Director – Engine Products, Aftersales & Marketing ANZP, Mercury Marine
Authentic Leadership
This is the most powerful form of Leadership because it is consistent, sustainable, more effective, and most respectful of the followers and the organisation.
Further, it promotes the growth and adaptability of the individual in the Team and Company itself.
And when practiced fully, creates a successful, sustainable, and adaptable business, organisation, or Team, that cares about people.
Now whilst Authentic Leadership is the dominant approach it is flexible enough to call on and accept other styles as appropriate.
For example, in an emergency, it might be necessary to simply give orders. (Do this, do that) and so adds an Autocratic element.
It will also give permission to the one that knows best to assume leadership in a specific situation. (Functional leadership)
However, it always focusses on reaching the outcomes in such a way that they are sustainable and achieved by the Team.
It is a personal style based upon:
v Knowing who You Are
v Accepting who You Are
v Leading from Who You Are
and encourages every member of the Team, to adopt the same philosophy for themselves.
To discover further , get the E Book, “Laid Back leadership.”
Click Here To Get Your Copy Now
This Manual is all you will need to be a great Leader
To improve your Leadership skills, email me at:

Qualifications and Recognition
Fellow Australian Institute of Company Directors (FAICD)
Fellow Institute of Managers and Leaders
Chartered Engineer
Member Institution of Mechanical Engineers (London) MIMechE

My Background
I am the Founder of Auctor Management, a Company dedicated to increasing the effectiveness of individuals to enhance both their personal and business life.
I have a corporate background at the very top level, in many Companies, different industries, different countries and different cultures, with a clear emphasis on making a tangible difference and creating success.
My Leadership style has always been one of Coaching, Mentoring and Developing my staff, based upon absolute Integrity.
In line with this philosophy, I started my coaching practice (while building my career) some 30 years ago, long before Life Coaching attained its current popularity.
And from my depth of experience, I have developed and evolved a proprietary Mentoring and Coaching Framework.
During my career so far, I have coached , mentored and transformed people as young as 16 and as old as 65, together with Chairmen of the Boards and their children.
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